Sunday, September 11, 2011

My First Blog Post

So, here we are. Here’s a brand new blog out in the big world of cyberspace. I know you’re wondering who I am and why I’m writing a blog. Those are fair questions. In fact I have been thinking about that last one myself.  Well I’ll give you a little information now and as we get more and more into this thing, we’ll both learn more.

My name is Michael Clark and I’m 40 years old. I grew up in Ohio and moved to Las Vegas in 1999. I have been married to my wife Joan since 2006. That’s a very little about who I am. Why am I doing this? Well I like to travel and I like to sample the local foods. If you see something about a restaurant on the Food Network or the Travel Channel, I’m the guy who wants to go find all of those when I travel. So, I had this brilliant idea to write about all the places I go when I travel and put it out there for all of you to benefit from. Now, I’m neither a professional writer nor a professional food critic. I’m just a regular guy who will share his opinion and maybe it will give someone out there an idea of where to eat.

Here are some of the things that I will try to stick to when writing my new food blog:

-          I will only write about places that we go out to. I won’t bore you with “We ate Hamburger Helper for dinner tonight.”

-          I try to stay away from chain restaurants and stick with great local places (local flavor as my mother calls it). I will from time to time frequent local or regional chains and I’ll let you know about those as well. That being said, I can’t promise that I will NEVER go to a national chain restaurant. Sometimes that’s what there is and that’s where we go.

-          I’ll try to post a blog entry for each place that we go. That means that it might take me awhile to get through an entire trip. As I mentioned before, I’m not a professional, but I’ll make it as entertaining as I can.

-          I will attempt to include pictures of the things I eat so you can see as well.

-          I will also let you know where the places we eat are located if possible so you can find them too. That’s kind of the point of this whole endeavor.

-          As I alluded to previously, most of these posts will be from our various travels that we go on. I will post about a Las Vegas restaurant from time to time when we go out here, but most of eating out happens when we’re on the road.

I hope that you all enjoy reading about the places that we go to eat. I’ll keep writing as long as it’s still fun for me to write and fun for you guys to read.

First Up: My First Practice Blog

Next: A Trip back to Joan’s hometown, St. Paul, Minnesota

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